Cash against Documents (CAD)


CAD Collection is a settlement instrument in which importers ask HDBank to open a margin deposit account from which HDBank deduct money to transfer to exporter’s account as soon as the exporter submit completely required documents (as to import CAD collection ) or HDBank will credit on exporter’s account as the importers make payment ( as to export CAD Collection).

o Low fee, shortening payment time due to simple and direct documents processing.
o Customer will be consulted before signing the foreign trade contract and also be supported according to the financial program of aiding export and import of HDBank.
o Keep customer’s transaction information confidentially


o Customer type : domestic or foreign companies having consistent and legally demands of import/export CAD
o Currencies: USD, EUR and others.
Document requirements:
o Transfer Application Form (HDBank’s form)
o Foreign Currencies purchasing Slip ( in case Customer has not enough foreign currency to pay)
o Documents of settlement

If you have any question or need further instructions, please contact any nearest HDbank ‘s Branch or Customer Service Center by phone 1800 68 68
Retail Banking
Corporate Banking

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